Everyone at least once in their life lost their precious data by choice or accidentally. Sometimes you need to restore files from recycling bin for future use. But what to do when you delete your all files permanently? How will you recover your data if you windows go corrupt?
There is no need to panic or taking stress now there are multiple solutions to get your all-important lost data back in just a few minutes. Do not know how to help yourself to get your data back? EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is here to provide you with the best solution to hard drive recovery in just a few minutes.

EaseUS data recovery helps a consumer to recover files from a personal computer, mobile, tablet even from your MacBook. They offer recovery of different files like videos, pictures, and documents.
Moreover, they recover data that was accidentally lost due to the attack of a virus on your device, files that were lost in a mobile format, recovery from recycle bin, OS cash recovery, hard drive damage, lost partition recovery, and raw partition recovery. This is an easy and effective tool for hard drive recovery. They offer to recover multiple types of file extensions like DBX, ZIP, ISO, DOC/DOCX, JPG/JPEG, MP3, MP4, RAW, FLV, MKV, etc.
Free versus paid hard drive recovery:
The good thing about using EaseUS is that they provide both free versions and paid versions with free trials. What could be the best that this amazing feature? If you cannot buy a paid version, you can download the free one and enjoy the great features.
They offer a free trial before you pay for the paid version to check how it will go and work. Both plans have most of the elements in the same, but there is a difference in the space they both offer. The paid version offers unlimited space while the free version provides you limited space.
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free 12.8
EaseUS is now giving data recovery wizard free 12.8, which is free to download and gives you up to 2GB of free data for retrieval. Data recovery wizard 12.8 is the best and most effective software that enables you to retrieve lost data quickly without any hassle from your laptop or personal computer. You can switch to the pro version or the Mac version also.
This version also provides fantastic optimization options so you can add filters according to your choice and enhance the function of recovery. It uses advanced scanning technology that scans all lost files within seconds. You can recover your files with their original names. So what are you waiting for? Visit EaseUS now and install EaseUS data recovery wizard free 12.8.
What step should one follow to recover data from hard-drive?
Hard drive recovery through the EaseUS data recovery wizard is simple and straightforward. You have to follow a few steps, and your data is back in a few minutes.
1. Find the location: The primary step you should take is to select the location like recycle bin or drive from where your data is lost. Then start searching for lost files.
2. Scanning: The next step is scanning. Start scanning on your device to recover data from the hardware. There is another feature that you can stop or pause recovery at any time. Like if you want to go somewhere, then you can pause it and resume it later when free.
3. Now it is time to recover: After scanning the lost data, the software gives you the list of all lost files. If you do not want to recover all lost data, you can retrieve just those files, which are essential to you. Now it is time to retrieve lost data and enjoy!