Email Drip Campaign Review

Today, emails are an integral part of everyone’s life, from students to even well-established entrepreneurs. Whether you are running your business online or just starting out, you know the importance of emails. They are used for numerous purposes, from increasing brand awareness to driving sales.

To save time, email marketing professionals give preference to drip emails. They help upscale the sales of a product and boost marketing. This is why we offer you to have a look at this Email Drip Campaigns review. Email Drip Campaigns Email Drip Campaigns tool allows you to send automated triggered emails to your prospects once you set and launch the email campaign. You just have to sit back and relax. No worry, the Email Drip Campaigns tool swiftly handles everything right from the beginning to the very end.

All you have to do is to set your email drip campaign with the builder and launch it right away.

There are five components in Email Drip Campaign – Start, Email, Trigger, Delay, and Goal. Each component serves a different purpose. We will be using all of these combined to set up and launch an email campaign.

First, the Start component appears once in a whole campaign at the very beginning of it.

Second, the Email element is the main component where you write your message and the subject line. It offers you lots of custom variables and features like you can add links to your email body, changing fonts, attach files, and many more to create highly personalized emails for your prospective clients.

Third, the Trigger component handles the whole automation process. It activates as soon as the email recipient takes an action defined in the trigger. Fourth, the Delay component which ensures the gaps in between the emails. And the last one is the Goal component that provides the main goal or action you want your prospective client should take from your email campaign.

How to Use Email Drip Campaigns

Once you sign up, go to your account. There are other tools you can use within the platform like find emails and verify them. Without further ado, let’s jump into how to create and launch a drip email sequence in no time.

Step 1: Start the campaign building

Click the Email Drip Campaigns button at the top of the dashboard. This is the place where all your campaigns are. Email Drip Campaign Review

Then, you can either create your own email sequence or choose one from the existing templates. Email Drip Campaign Review

Step 2: Set the Campaign name, Email account, and Schedules

On the left of your screen, you need to set your campaign name and the email account from which you want to send emails.

If you need it, you can use the scheduling feature. Select the timezone and days, set the time. Email Drip Campaign Review

Step 3: Create the email campaign Email Drip Campaigns tool offers a drag-and-drop editor. With its help, you can build a chain of emails separating them with triggers and delays. Email Drip Campaign Review

Drag and drop the elements to the campaign builder field and connect all the elements logically with a line.

When you click the element, the sidebar with their settings opens. Modify each element to your needs and preferences:

  • compose personalized email body and subject lines;
  • attach files to your emails;
  • use email templates from the pre-written ones;
  • add triggers (the email is opened or the link is clicked);
  • set the time of delays. Email Drip Campaign Review

After using all the components, we created a small email campaign structure for our dummy “Hacking Course”. You can create such as per your requirements with a lot of modifications and super helpful features. Email Drip Campaign Review

Step 4: Start your email campaign

Before launching the campaign, complete all the settings:

  • choose the sender’s email address if you have a few of them;
  • define the email addresses where the emails mustn’t be sent;
  • enable or disable link tracking (this feature is off by default).

Once the settings are defined, click the Save and start button.

So, you see how super easy it is to create and launch an email drip campaign with and at the same time super effective. When the campaign is on, you can check it any time and see the detailed statistics. Also, you can pause the campaign and edit it.

Final Verdict

What can be better than setting your friends free when doing business via emails? And that too comes super-easy with a platform like that can launch your email drip campaign in a few minutes. The tool is designed in such a clean, clutter-free, simple and user-friendly interface that anyone without tech knowledge can easily launch their own drip emails chain.

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